Roof replacement has always been the ONLY choice that property owners had with an aged roof - not anymore. Roof replacement is the old way, roof rejuvenation is the new way! As they say "out with the old and in with the new!" - They

Why Roof Rejuvenation is better than Roof Replacement

Isn't a new roof better?
Far too often we come across this question and the most likely answer is no. The roofing industry is known for "rip it off and replace it." Funny thing about that is the materials produced today are not built with the same quality of materials they are ripping off and tossing in the trash. What would you say if your auto mechanic told you the oil in your car was old and you need to pull out the engine in your car and replace it entirely? You and the insurance company would laugh them out the door. The same is becoming more and more true each day as property owners and insurance companies are more educated on how an asphalt shingle actual works. Roof rejuvenation is similar to doing an oil change in your car. The asphalt in your shingle needs oils to remain flexible and having the ability to expand and retract is the key to longevity for your roof. The answer is not allowing a roofing company to gamble with your homeowners insurance policy. Why would you replace your better product you already have with a lessor one?

Isn't roof replacement simple? Just make an insurance claim and pay my deductible?
No - not even close! Another common mistake is letting a roofer talk you into calling your insurance company for you. Most roofers and roofing companies come off friendly, making the process seem easy! Claims like being the "most trusted" or "number one ranked." Even with the old song and dance about how they know the insurance system so well. We are here to warn you, that unless the person calling your insurance company and negotiating your claim is a licensed public adjuster, you are putting yourself at risk. Check out this official notice from the office of insurance and safety fire commissioner. In our opinion, it is not worth rolling the dice with your homeowners insurance policy getting canceled. All that to be said, roof replacement is not cost effective, it's the push to file an insurance claim. It's definitely not efficient and certainly not environmentally friendly. We understand that roof replacement or filing a claim in certain circumstances is the right move, but most of the time it is not and rejuvenation is a better option!

Why choose roof rejuvenation over replacement?
A Roof Maxx rejuvenation treatment from Guaranteed Roof will avoid all of the traditional hassles of roof replacement. This allows you to bypass all of annoying phone calls and meetings with roofers, insurance adjusters, and contractors, etc. Not to mention the actual work of roof replacement - people ripping your roof off, pounding the life out of your home. There's the possibility of that annoying nail going to end up in your tire at the worst time. It is also going to allow you to keep your existing shingles, which are likely better than the shingles they will be replaced with from the local discount hardware store. Lastly, if your insurance isn't picking up the bill, you will have to cover those costs and they will get their money out of you one way or another - we are going to save you THOUSANDS of dollars. So ask yourself: do you want save time, money and convenience? Of course you do! Schedule time with us today to come take a look at your roof. We will give you an honest opinion and quote to save your roof, not replace it!

treatment process and warranty
The treatment is simple. We start off with our roof tune-up package. This process includes slipping new rubber rain collars to prevent leaks around your plumbing vents. Re-calking any roofing flashing that may need it. Driving down any nails that have backed out of the roof, commonly known as "nail pops," and sealing those over with silicone. Any other light roof maintenance we can take care of while up we are up there. Then we are going to blow off any debris from your roof and prep the roof for the treatment. Once all the tune up and prep work is completed, your treatment will start. Usually treatment takes about an hour depending on the size of your roof. We apply the rejuvenation treatment with low pressure. The product then soaks down into the asphalt layer of shingle, giving your roof its life back. Just thirty minutes after application your shingle's performance will be significantly improved. 72 hours after application your roof will be able to perform almost as well as the day it was installed. Best of all, we back the treatment with a 5 year transferable warranty!
What will you choose?
Will you choose the costly and noisy hassle of roof replacement? Or will you choose the convenient, hassle free new way of maintaining your asphalt shingle roof? All while enjoying the enormous savings we can offer you? You know what to do - schedule now and find out what your Guaranteed Save It Price is, today!